Awards 2018
Overall Hotel of the Year in Wexford - South East Radio Hospitality Awards
Best Customer Care in Wexford - South East Radio Hospitality Awards
Leinster Great Carvery Award - Uniliver Food Solutions
Awarded Best Customer Care in Wexford 2018 -Restaurant Association of Ireland 2018
Awards 2017
Awarded Best Leisure Centre and Best Customer Service in Wexford. - South East Radio Hospitality Awards 2017
Awarded -Leinster Best Kids Menu at the 2017 Irish Restaurant Awards - 2017 Irish Restaurant Awards
Awards 2015 & 2016
Whitford House Hotel win "Overall Hotel of the Year 2016" & Best Destination Hotel 2016
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who sent us good wishes following our recent win at South East Radio Hospitality Awards. We were thrilled to bring home two Awards "Best Destination Hotel" and "Overall Hotel of the Year".
Thank you sincerely to all our loyal customers who have supported us through the years, these awards were as a result of our customers votes and our amazing team.
Our parents would have loved to be here to witness this win so it is a bit of a mixed emotion and we hope to continue to do them proud.
Yours sincerely
Eilish Whitty
Unilever Food Solutions Great Carvery Awards:
Winner of the Leinster Hotel of the year 2015 & 2016
Once again we thank our loyal customers who have supported us through the years, these awards were as a result of our customers votes and our amazing team. We were delighted to be honoured for our dining facilities; we will continue to work to meet our guests and diners high-standards. Our team is keen to retain our reputation as one of the top luxury hotels Wexford has to offer!